Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Last nights events....

My first night here, my hostess with the mostess Jason stayed in bed!
So I went out with some people who are staying at our resort, it was an o.k night.Party on the beach and lots of vodka, but I went home at 12!not in the morning~!As I was jetlagged and tired.
Last night was a completely different story!
I went to a shiva moon partee with this girl I was introduced to.She is staying 10 min away,english,from cornwall,28 and goegeous.(She is just like me-not in the gorgeous way!)
Everybody said don't go out with her,she's mental,she drinks the ,men under the table,she's a complete crazy druggy but I went out with her and we had a ball!
I think the worst thing I could've done was meet Kirsty as we are so alike!
We both drank copius amounts of anything availiable,shots,cocktails,buckets,beer..
A few hours later we are up on this bloody table on the beach dancing and Ilook and my bumbag has been stolen!Not much money in it just my camera and my key!And a holy medal of my nan's which I am really gutted about as it was a memory.
Anyways there was no point in dwelling on it ,it was my own fault so I had a few more drinks..jumped through rings of fire..burnt my dress and had fun.
To top it all off I pulled the fittest italian bloke ever and had an excellent night!
Today i feel the bhealthiest Ive been all holiday and am getting ready to go out and do it all over again tonight without the robbery!
I really need to try and not do this all the time or I am not going to see past Thailand.
In one more week I will be strict and budget.
Well, we'll see!