Wednesday, 7 February 2007

coral island...

Phuket has a great nightlife but the beach is too crowded and it's not our idea of fun.
We had an excellent night out last night which is why we are all a bit fuzzy today but today has been good.
There were men at the beach with oversized wooden canoes.We asked him to take us somewhere nice.He took us to a place called Coral island.It was empty, there were lots of coves, a fish restaurant and the best beach I have seen my entire life.
We chilled there all day and have decided sod all the sight seeing we are gonna bum about the islands the next 3 weeks.Sorry Jason, but everytime I see a temple they are all the same and I keep thinking of Bro Mike-which is bad!Sorry Bro!
To helen and sue you have lost your bet.It is day 6 and I aint pulled and more to the point I dont want to!This is going to be a man free holiday as I am having so much fun!So when I return make sure my 100euro is behind the bar with my fav sexy barman, Stevie!x
To all of u who wanna view my fotos I just cant get them on here so go to and sign up.Its quick n easy and u will be able to see all my fotos there.Just add me as a friend to your account.
I am doing a video too but we only ever seem to get good footage when we are under the influence of alcohol.And as requested by Sue, there will a slide show at potters with free food and drink provide by my loyal friends.
Well, going to phi phi islands tomorrow and staying there for a few days .Its where 'The Beach' was filmed.So I am signing off as I am up at 6amx


danielle-a- said...

Ello paula its danielle ashton. wen michelle told me were u was i fought u were mad ( an i was jealous!) haha. sounds like ur avin a ball an im keepin r lucy up2 date about were her aunty paula is cos shes goin on about 92 and alf! ha. michelle will most prob drop u a few lines in a dy or 2. Hope it carrys on the way it as an im totally addicted. see ye soon x.x.x.x

bingo said...

Don't worry sweety, I love reading your experiences. I know its hard to mention my name because I'm such a temtation :-D
Love Bro. Mike

bingo said...

Please bring back phone number of lady boys for Kev